fire- and water-proof safes for your home

Car Key Hacks: 8 Tips To Ensure You Never Lock Your Keys In The Car Again!

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It happens to everyone at one point or another. You press the lock button inside of your car, get out and shut the door only to feel your heart sink as you realize your keys are still on the inside. You can always call a locksmith, like The Lock Shop, if you are really in a bind.   However, why not take steps to avoid this problem in the first place? If you have frequently locked your keys in your car, here are eight tricks you can use to break that habit:…

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How You Can Protect Your Business From Lock Bumping

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These days, thieves seem to be getting smarter and smarter. Every time you think you have outsmarted them and have your business protected, they’ve moved on to a new way to target you. One of the newest techniques thieves are using to burglarize businesses is lock bumping. This alarming technique allows an intruder to get uninhibited access to your business without much effort or risk of detection. Take the time to familiarize yourself with this technique so that you can ensure your business is protected.…

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Two Tips For Maintaining Your Access Control System

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Installing an access control system in your business plays a key role in keeping your building secure. However, installation is only the first step. Regular maintenance on your system is key to keeping your building secure, long-term. Make certain you know what steps are necessary to maintain your unit and security. Here are a few of the things you want to consider when maintaining your unit. Database Maintenance One of the first areas you want to focus on is database maintenance.…

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