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How To Repair Sticking Deadbolt Locks

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A poorly functioning deadbolt lock can be a security risk to your home for several reasons. First, it can gum up so that it no longer operates properly, leaving your home unlocked and open to others. Second, it could stop working when you are outside of the the home, leaving you with no way to get in. In many cases a deadbolt can be fixed. Try the following procedure as soon as a lock begins to feel sticky or difficult to engage.…

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Three Locks That Will Help You Avoid Calling The Locksmith At Three AM

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An old-fashioned door lock can provide adequate security, but it does not provide the convenience or the security that you can get with a modern tech-enabled lock. If you are looking to upgrade your door locks for whatever reason, you should seriously consider going with a smart lock. The following features will help you gain an idea of what you should look for.  Smartphone Pairing Locks can pair with your smartphone in a couple of different ways:…

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4 Tips To Consider When Hiring A Locksmith

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Having to hire a locksmith is not something you want to find yourself having to do. This typically means that you are dealing with an emergency situation and have to spend money on the services of a locksmith when you weren’t expecting to spend that much money that day. This is why it’s important to get the most for your money out of this emergency situation. To do this, you should consider the following four tips for hiring a locksmith:…

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Safety First: 3 Ways To Increase Security For Your Small Business

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As a small business owner, you likely put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into your success. Building your empire is no easy feat, so you should take every possible measure to protect it. You likely have a security system of some sort in place already, but are you truly confident that it is up to par? To be 100% sure, check out the following three ways to amp up security for your small business.…

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Childproofing Tips For Entry Doors

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Most parents are well aware that they need to place child-proof locks on cabinets that contain harmful chemicals, but they may overlook the dangers posed by front and back doors. Small children, children with mental disabilities, or even a sleepwalking child can wander out of the house. Choosing locking mechanisms that prevent this can avert a tragedy. The following ideas can help. Tip #1: Install Flip Locks Flip locks are simple and they only create two small holes, which means you can likely use them in a rental home with minimal repercussions.…

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2 Excellent Places To Hide Your Spare House Key

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If you have decided that you never want to find yourself in the position of being locked outside without a way to get back into your home, then you want to make sure that you are checking out the following tips. In The Flower Pot Soil Instead of simply taping your spare key to the bottom of the flower pot, where it can be easily noticed should someone pick it up or becomes knocked over in a storm, you will want to put your spare key in the soil.…

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