fire- and water-proof safes for your home

3 Times When It's Worth It to Call an Emergency Lockout Service When You Aren't Home

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When you think about calling an emergency lockout service, you might think about doing so when you are locked out of your home yourself. However, there could be situations when you need to make use of one of these services when you are not home. These are some of the times when it’s worth it to call an emergency lockout service when you aren’t home yourself, whether you are at work, on vacation, or elsewhere.…

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Hire A Locksmith When Your Kids Get Older And Start Inviting Friends Over

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After moving into your home, you may not feel the need to hire a locksmith because you know that you can lock all the doors and windows at any time. Also, you may feel confident about the locks and their effectiveness after trying them out yourself to determine their strength level. When your kids start getting older and begin to invite friends over, you should consider hiring a locksmith to take on a variety of services that can give you peace of mind as a parent.…

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How To Repair Sticking Deadbolt Locks

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A poorly functioning deadbolt lock can be a security risk to your home for several reasons. First, it can gum up so that it no longer operates properly, leaving your home unlocked and open to others. Second, it could stop working when you are outside of the the home, leaving you with no way to get in. In many cases a deadbolt can be fixed. Try the following procedure as soon as a lock begins to feel sticky or difficult to engage.…

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