fire- and water-proof safes for your home

Security Steps To Take When Moving To A New Home

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When you are in the process of moving, it is easy to become overwhelmed, sometimes letting down your guard to security procedures in the process. It is of the utmost importance to take steps to safeguard your belongings during a move, as potential thieves often target households they feel are not being watched as closely as they could be. Here are a few steps to take when moving to a new home to make sure your belongings are not stolen.…

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What to Do When You Lose Your Keys

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You had a long day at work, and can’t wait to get back home. You reach into your pocket or your purse, only to discover your keys are missing. You check the office, and they’re not there. What do you do? How do you get back into your car? Here are the steps you should take when you lose your keys: 1. Call the police station. Call your local police station to see if someone turned in the keys.…

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Locked Out? Here's How To Break Back In!

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You’ve had a long, tiring day and you need to take a quick trip to the grocery store for dinner. You grab your wallet and turn around to lock the front door, when an overwhelming feeling comes over you: you’ve just locked yourself out of the house! Before you panic, take a deep breath. There are a few ways you might be able to get back into your home without shelling out the extra cash to hire a locksmith.…

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